Meter to Foot: m to ft / ft to m conversion


Usage: (1) Enter the value and tab out or click Convert. (In Detail)

Digit Separation
Round To*


* Rounding may affect the result of very small decimal values. If you are expecting small decimal value, then please select 8 Decimals or higher option in the Round To field.

Using The Meter to Foot Unit Converter

  1. Enter the from unit value, either Meter or Foot.
  2. Either tab out or press Convert button.
  3. The result will be shown in the result section.
  4. By default, the decimal rounding option is set to Do Not Round. If you want the decimals of the result values to be rounded? Then, select the decimal numbers to be rounded from the Round To drop down list.
  5. You can swap the Meter (m) and Foot (ft) units by pressing the the Swap Units button.

Meter(m) & Foot(ft) Conversion Chart

Generating And Printing The Meter(m) & Foot(ft) Conversion Chart

  1. Select the Distance/Length conversion you want to perform from the drop down box Conversion Type. You can convert from Meter to Foot and vice versa.
  2. Select the decimal place rounding in the Rounding drop down. By default, this converter uses 3 decimal places.
  3. Enter the Starting Distance you desire to start the conversion chart.
  4. Enter the Interval between the distance. Example: -100, -10, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 10, 100, etc...
  5. Click the Generate Chart button to generate your desired chart.
  6. Click the Print button to print the chart you have generated. This printing option allows you to print only the chart portion.

Conversion Type
Round To
Digit Separation
Start. Value
Meter Foot
1m 3.281ft
2m 6.562ft
3m 9.843ft
4m 13.123ft
5m 16.404ft
6m 19.685ft
7m 22.966ft
8m 26.247ft
9m 29.528ft
10m 32.808ft
11m 36.089ft
12m 39.37ft
13m 42.651ft
14m 45.932ft
15m 49.213ft
16m 52.493ft
17m 55.774ft
18m 59.055ft
19m 62.336ft
20m 65.617ft
21m 68.898ft
22m 72.178ft
23m 75.459ft
24m 78.74ft
25m 82.021ft
Meter Foot
26m 85.302ft
27m 88.583ft
28m 91.864ft
29m 95.144ft
30m 98.425ft
31m 101.706ft
32m 104.987ft
33m 108.268ft
34m 111.549ft
35m 114.829ft
36m 118.11ft
37m 121.391ft
38m 124.672ft
39m 127.953ft
40m 131.234ft
41m 134.514ft
42m 137.795ft
43m 141.076ft
44m 144.357ft
45m 147.638ft
46m 150.919ft
47m 154.199ft
48m 157.48ft
49m 160.761ft
50m 164.042ft
Meter Foot
51m 167.323ft
52m 170.604ft
53m 173.885ft
54m 177.165ft
55m 180.446ft
56m 183.727ft
57m 187.008ft
58m 190.289ft
59m 193.57ft
60m 196.85ft
61m 200.131ft
62m 203.412ft
63m 206.693ft
64m 209.974ft
65m 213.255ft
66m 216.535ft
67m 219.816ft
68m 223.097ft
69m 226.378ft
70m 229.659ft
71m 232.94ft
72m 236.22ft
73m 239.501ft
74m 242.782ft
75m 246.063ft
Meter Foot
76m 249.344ft
77m 252.625ft
78m 255.906ft
79m 259.186ft
80m 262.467ft
81m 265.748ft
82m 269.029ft
83m 272.31ft
84m 275.591ft
85m 278.871ft
86m 282.152ft
87m 285.433ft
88m 288.714ft
89m 291.995ft
90m 295.276ft
91m 298.556ft
92m 301.837ft
93m 305.118ft
94m 308.399ft
95m 311.68ft
96m 314.961ft
97m 318.241ft
98m 321.522ft
99m 324.803ft
100m 328.084ft


Page Last Modified On: Nov 26, 2015

Disclaimer: We took every effort to provide higher level of accuracy in the calculators, converters and tools we have added to Tools section. But, we cannot give any guarantee or can be held responsible for any errors, defects, faults or mistakes in any of the calculators, converters or tools. Please see detailed terms of use and liability disclaimer in Terms of Use Page.

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