Meter to Millimeter: m to mm / mm to m conversion


Usage: (1) Enter the value and tab out or click Convert. (In Detail)

Digit Separation
Round To*


* Rounding may affect the result of very small decimal values. If you are expecting small decimal value, then please select 8 Decimals or higher option in the Round To field.

Using The Meter to Millimeter Unit Converter

  1. Enter the from unit value, either Meter or Millimeter.
  2. Either tab out or press Convert button.
  3. The result will be shown in the result section.
  4. By default, the decimal rounding option is set to Do Not Round. If you want the decimals of the result values to be rounded? Then, select the decimal numbers to be rounded from the Round To drop down list.
  5. You can swap the Meter (m) and Millimeter (mm) units by pressing the the Swap Units button.

Meter(m) & Millimeter(mm) Conversion Chart

Generating And Printing The Meter(m) & Millimeter(mm) Conversion Chart

  1. Select the Distance/Length conversion you want to perform from the drop down box Conversion Type. You can convert from Meter to Millimeter and vice versa.
  2. Select the decimal place rounding in the Rounding drop down. By default, this converter uses 3 decimal places.
  3. Enter the Starting Distance you desire to start the conversion chart.
  4. Enter the Interval between the distance. Example: -100, -10, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 10, 100, etc...
  5. Click the Generate Chart button to generate your desired chart.
  6. Click the Print button to print the chart you have generated. This printing option allows you to print only the chart portion.

Conversion Type
Round To
Digit Separation
Start. Value
Meter Millimeter
1m 1,000mm
2m 2,000mm
3m 3,000mm
4m 4,000mm
5m 5,000mm
6m 6,000mm
7m 7,000mm
8m 8,000mm
9m 9,000mm
10m 10,000mm
11m 11,000mm
12m 12,000mm
13m 13,000mm
14m 14,000mm
15m 15,000mm
16m 16,000mm
17m 17,000mm
18m 18,000mm
19m 19,000mm
20m 20,000mm
21m 21,000mm
22m 22,000mm
23m 23,000mm
24m 24,000mm
25m 25,000mm
Meter Millimeter
26m 26,000mm
27m 27,000mm
28m 28,000mm
29m 29,000mm
30m 30,000mm
31m 31,000mm
32m 32,000mm
33m 33,000mm
34m 34,000mm
35m 35,000mm
36m 36,000mm
37m 37,000mm
38m 38,000mm
39m 39,000mm
40m 40,000mm
41m 41,000mm
42m 42,000mm
43m 43,000mm
44m 44,000mm
45m 45,000mm
46m 46,000mm
47m 47,000mm
48m 48,000mm
49m 49,000mm
50m 50,000mm
Meter Millimeter
51m 51,000mm
52m 52,000mm
53m 53,000mm
54m 54,000mm
55m 55,000mm
56m 56,000mm
57m 57,000mm
58m 58,000mm
59m 59,000mm
60m 60,000mm
61m 61,000mm
62m 62,000mm
63m 63,000mm
64m 64,000mm
65m 65,000mm
66m 66,000mm
67m 67,000mm
68m 68,000mm
69m 69,000mm
70m 70,000mm
71m 71,000mm
72m 72,000mm
73m 73,000mm
74m 74,000mm
75m 75,000mm
Meter Millimeter
76m 76,000mm
77m 77,000mm
78m 78,000mm
79m 79,000mm
80m 80,000mm
81m 81,000mm
82m 82,000mm
83m 83,000mm
84m 84,000mm
85m 85,000mm
86m 86,000mm
87m 87,000mm
88m 88,000mm
89m 89,000mm
90m 90,000mm
91m 91,000mm
92m 92,000mm
93m 93,000mm
94m 94,000mm
95m 95,000mm
96m 96,000mm
97m 97,000mm
98m 98,000mm
99m 99,000mm
100m 100,000mm


Page Last Modified On: Nov 29, 2015

Disclaimer: We took every effort to provide higher level of accuracy in the calculators, converters and tools we have added to Tools section. But, we cannot give any guarantee or can be held responsible for any errors, defects, faults or mistakes in any of the calculators, converters or tools. Please see detailed terms of use and liability disclaimer in Terms of Use Page.

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