IIF vs CHOOSE in SQL Server

In an earlier article, I wrote about the differences between IIF and CASE in SQL Server. Now we will see the comparison of IIF vs CHOOSE.

IIF vs CHOOSE in SQL Server


1IIF is a logical function which is used to return one of two values based on the evaluation of a boolean expression. IIF provides a concise method of expressing a CASE statement.CHOOSE is a logical function which is used to return a value from a list of values based on the index value. CHOOSE works as an indexer for an array-like set of values.
IIF(boolean-expression, true-value, false-value)
CHOOSE(index, choice-1, choice-2, …, choice-N)
3IIF uses a Boolean expression to determine which value to return.CHOOSE uses an index value to determine which value to return.
4IIF can only return one of two values.CHOOSE can return one of up to 254 values.
5IIF function returns the data type with the highest precedence from the true-value and false-value expressions.CHOOSE function returns the data type of the value at the specified index.
6IIF is generally slower than the CHOOSE function because it evaluates the Boolean expression for each row of data.CHOOSE is faster because it only needs to retrieve the value at the specified index.
7IIF function was introduced in SQL Server 2012.CHOOSE function was also available from SQL Server 2012.
SELECT IIF(Quantity > 100, ‘High’, ‘Low’) AS QuantityLevel FROM PurchaseTable;
SELECT CHOOSE(ItemCode, ‘Pen’, ‘Pencil’, ‘Marker’, ‘Rubber’) AS ItemName FROM PurchaseTable;

Where: ItemCode is an integer column


IIF and CHOOSE are two logical functions in SQL Server that are used for different purposes. IIF uses a boolean expression to return one of two values, while CHOOSE uses an index value to return one of up to 254 values. They also differ in their syntax, data types, number of choices and performance of usage.


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