How to encode a string to ASCII in C#?

String encoding is a fundamental aspect of modern programming, enabling the transformation of text into binary data that can be stored, transmitted, and processed by computers. In C#, developers have access to a wide range of encoding options, including the popular American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). In this article, we will see how to encode a string to ASCII in C#, with a practical example.

ASCII Encoding

ASCII encoding represents characters as numeric values, with each character assigned a unique number ranging from 0 to 127. This encoding scheme is primarily suited for the English language and includes commonly used characters like letters, digits, and basic punctuation marks.

Encoding a String to ASCII in C#

To encode a string to ASCII in C#, developers can leverage the built-in Encoding.ASCII property found in the System.Text namespace. Let’s walk through an example:

using System;
using System.Text;

public class Program
	public static void Main()
		string inputString = "Hello, MyTecBits!";
        byte[] asciiByteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inputString);
		string asciiEncoded = String.Join(" ", asciiByteArray);

        Console.WriteLine("ASCII encoded value: ");


ASCII-encoded bytes: 
72 101 108 108 111 44 32 77 121 84 101 99 66 105 116 115 33
Encode a string to ASCII in C#

In this example, we first import the required namespaces, including System.Text. We define the input string, Hello, MyTecBits! and create a byte array asciiByteArray using the Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes() method to encode the input string. Finally, we join the elements of the byte array into a string and display the ASCII encoded value.

You can check our online ASCII Encoder Tool here. We have used the above c# code to develop this tool. It will encode the given string to ASCII format.

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