Installing Fedora in VMWare

Tools and Technologies used

  • Guest OS: Fedora 18 (You can use the latest available version)
  • Hypervisor: VmWare 5 (You can use the latest version)
  • Host OS: Windows 7
Fedora in VmWarwe


  1. Check VMware Player version 5 in your PC (if it’s not version 5 or above then get the latest). You can get the VMWare version 5 from
  2. Install VMWare Player. Or upgrade the existing if needed.
  3. Create a separate folder for VMWare-Fedora disc files like (D://VMWare/Fedora).
  4. Follow the below steps to create Virtual machine in VMWare (also installs fedora).

Steps to Install Fedora in VmWare Player

  1. Download Fedora 18 or higher. You can download the iso file for the latest Fedora version from
  2. Open VmWare and click “Create new virtual machine.
  3. In the popup screen select “Installer disc image file (iso)” and select the downloaded fedora iso file.
  4. Click next.
  5. In the “select Guest Operating” system screen, select “Linux”. Then select “Other Linux 2.6.x kernel” in Version field. (NOTE: Don’t select Fedora. It wont work properly).
  6. In the next screen change the virtual machine name to “Fedora”. Also change the location to a folder in “D:” Drive (D://VMWare/Fedora).
  7. In the next screen set the maximum disc space to 15 GB. Select “Store virtual disk as a single file”. Click Next.
  8. In the next screen “Ready to create virtual machine” change the memory to 2048 MB. by clicking “Customize Hardware.. Button.
  9. Click finish.
  10. From the VmWare Player home screen, select “Fedora” and click the play button.
  11. The VmWare start and display the message “Operating system not found”.
  12. Right click the DVD/CD icon from the top menu bar.
  13. Virtual machine will start and display the fedora login screen.
  14. Click “Live system user”.
  15. Fedora will give 2 options “Click “Install to Hard Drive”.
  16. Follow the installation steps. You may need to select the “Storage” partition.and click begin install.
  17. Wait for the fedora install to complete.
  18. Once the installation is complete, you can login to Fedora.

Hope this helps.

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