US Marine Corps Body Fat Percentage Calculator


This online Marine Corp Body Fat Percentag calculator is used to calculate the percentage of fat in human body using US Marine Corp formula.

Enter your gender, age, waist circumference and neck circumference. Then click the Calculate Marine %BF button.


About Marine Corps Body Fat Percentage Calculator

Marine Body Fat Percentage

This calculator is used to calculate the body fat percentage based on USA's Marine Corps formula.

Using Marine Body Fat Percentage calculator

  1. Select the Gender.
  2. select the Age.
  3. Enter the Neck circumference either in inches or centimeters. (See guidelines below for taking measurement.)
  4. Enter the Waist circumference either in inches or centimeters. (See guidelines below for taking measurement.)
  5. Enter the Hip circumference if you have selected Female in gender field. (See guidelines below for taking measurement.)
  6. Finally, click the Calculate Marine %BF button. The body fat percentage based on USA's Marine Corps formula will be calculated and the result will be displayed in the box below the button.

Measuring Circumferences

  • All the circumferences measurements explained below should be measured using a self-tensioning taping device either digital or non-digital.

Guide For Measuring Neck Circumference

  1. Use someone's help for measuring your neck circumference.
  2. Be relaxed and look straight ahead.
  3. Circumference of the neck should be measured at a point just below the larynx (Adam's apple).
  4. Make sure shoulder muscles are not involved in the measurement

Guide For Measuring Waist Circumference

  1. Wear little cloth as possible.
  2. Stand straight with your feet close together.
  3. Keep your arms at the sides.
  4. Take the measurement after the end of a normal expiration.
  5. Measure the smallest circumference of the waist, one inch above the belly button. Repeat the measurements twice and take the average.

Guide For Measuring Hip Circumference

  1. Wear less cloth as possible.
  2. Stand in front of a full body mirror.
  3. Keep the feet close together with little space between them.
  4. Place the tape around the maximum circumference of the buttocks. Make sure the tape is in horizontal position.
  5. Breath normally. Take the measurement after the exhaust.

US Marine Corps Body Fat Percentage (Marine %BF)


US Marine is using separate equations for men and women to calculate the percentage of body fat. These formulas are based on DoD Instruction Number 1308.3: "DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Programs Procedures” dated November 5, 2002


% body fat = 86.010 × log10(waist − neck) − 70.041 × log10(height) + 36.76


% body fat = 163.205 × log10(waist + hip − neck) − 97.684 × log10(height) − 78.387


  • height = Height in inches.
  • waist = Waist circumference in inches.
  • neck = Neck circumference in inches.
  • hip = Hip circumference in inches.

Maximum Allowed US Marine Body Fat Limits

Here is the allowed limits of body fat percentage by US Marine Corps. This table is based on Marine Corps Order 6110.3A: "Marine Corps Body Composition and Military Appearance Program" dated 15 Dec 2016.

Age (years) Men (BF%) Women (BF%)
17 to 20 18% 26%
21 to 25 18% 26%
26 to 30 19% 27%
31 to 35 19% 27%
36 to 40 20% 28%
41 to 45 20% 28%
46 to 50 21% 29%
51 and Above 21% 29%


  • DoD Instruction Number 1308.3: "DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Programs Procedures” dated November 5, 2002 at Executive Services Directorate.
  • Marine Corps Order 6110.3A: "Marine Corps Body Composition and Military Appearance Program" dated 15 Dec 2016 at Marin Corps Official Website.

Page Last Modified On: Jul 15, 2021

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